Marathon Girl

Category: Amateur, HD Porn, Mobile Porn | Date: 3 June 2009 Marathon Girl

"I put a lot of time and effort into my studies, so when I play, I put a lot of effort into having a really good time," said Taneal. "And for me, that involves some wild partying followed by a night of wild sex. Once you get me going, I don't want to just screw once, then cuddle and call it quits. I want to keep on touching, kissing and licking till we screw again, and keep that up till we're both exhausted. For me, the first orgasm is just a warmup for the night."

"I like older guys because they're usually better in bed," Taneal said. "My boyfriend's 31. That's like the perfect age. It's, like, he's experienced enough to know what I want from a lover, and still young enough to get hard again quickly and be ready for the next round. I'm the one who's always coming up with ideas on what we should try in bed, but he's always happy to go along with me. I mean, that's how we got into butt sex and domination and some other things. Of course, it was me who got the idea of posing. My guy said that was the best idea I've had so far."

Marathon Girl

